Our Events
For a list of regular participation activities at Melrose Hall, (like classes), see Our Activities. Our Activities.
Local Events and Activities
Period |
Venue & Time |
Event & Contact Details |
Various Afternoons |
Hoylake Central & Melrose Bowling Club next to Hoylake Rugby Club.
Hoylake Central & Melrose Bowling Clubwould be happy to welcome experienced or new lady bowlers to join our very friendly club, for the upcoming season. All abilities welcome, from novice to experienced. Come and try crown green bowling. |
Though the week |
The Quirky Cafe 40 Birkenhead Road Hoylake 2pm |
The Quirky Cafe Community Hub Variety of groups/activities
Details at: facebook.com/quirkycafe |
St Luke's Church, Hoylake
Gentle Pilates & Body Well Being Class. Full Details at: stlukeshoylake.com Focusing on mobility all over and working on areas to keep us strong, functional and independent. £6pay as you go. Feel free to contact Gill Garner on sheworksu@yahoo.co.uk or just come along. |
Monday |
West Kirby Residential School
Meols Drive, West Kirby. CH48 5DH from 8pm (Check time) |
Hoylake Hurricanes Ladies Volleyball Club merseyvolley.co.uk The team plays all year around, indoors during winter Enthusiastic ladies from 16upwards are welcome. First session is free then £5 for adults and £3 for students. Further details from Kris 07947712352 or |
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday |
St Andrews Church, Greenwood Rd, Meols, CH47 6AD various times during term time |
The Guides Organisation includes Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.
For further details please go to |
Monthly Monday & Tuesday |
Popsys Cafe Hoylake Parade Community Centre. 7pm |
Hoylake Book Club | Facebook Check for details.
Tuesday |
St Andrews Church, Greenwood Rd, Meols, CH47 6AD
Various times during term time beginning at 5.45pm |
St Andrew's Scout Group consists of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Rangers For further details please go to |
Tuesday |
St Hildeburghs Parish Church Hoylake. 10.30-12noon |
Places of Welcome Visit www.placesofwelcome.org.uk for more information & other nearby venues.
Tuesday |
Too Quirky Cafe 124E Market Street, Hoylake CH47 2BF Tel:0151 632 1103 2 -3pm |
Mindful Art Group An hour of arty techniques to help you relax. For events & activities at Quirky Cafe see facebook.com/quirkycafe
Monthly meetings take place on 3rd Tuesday, (except August & December).
Melrose Hall, Melrose Avenue, Hoylake, CH47 3BU, start 7.30 pm Doors open at 7pm. Visitors can be assured of a warm welcome £8. |
Hoylake Flower ClubWith a mix of National and Area demonstrators and the occasional workshop. |
Tuesday & Thursday |
Too Quirky Cafe 124E Market Street, Hoylake CH47 2BF Tel:0151 632 1103 9.30am* |
Quirky Walkers Enquire at Quirky Cafe *Time & meeting place vary for Tuesday short walk & Thursday longer walk |
Wednesday |
St Hildeburgh's Church, Stanley Road Hoylake CH47 1HL 2-3 pm |
Easy-Going Pilates £7 per session or buy a block of 12 for £70 For further information: Tel: 07590 728456 |
Wednesday |
Hope Church Station Road, Hoylake, CH47 4AA, (Near Hoylake Railway Station).
7.30 -9.00p.m. |
Hoylake Choral Society Musical Director isLynne Rogers Pianist Victoria Wells Choir members are expected to attend rehearsals regularly and to commit to learning the musicto be performed. Pencils should always be brought to rehearsals. New Members are welcome to join us at rehearsals |
1st Wednesday of the month |
Hope Church Station Road, Hoylake, CH47 4AA, (Near Hoylake Railway Station). Meeting 2pm Doors open from 1:30pm |
Hoylake, West Kirby & District u3a Come along to any of our meetings and visit the Membership Table or ask for the Membership Secretary. Go to u3asites.org.uk for Membership Form which you can print off and then complete. The completed form can be given to the Membership Secretary at the meeting or by post with a cheque to the address shown on the form. |
Wednesday am & Sundays
Hoylake Boating Lake
Hoylake Model Boat Club Club sailing days Wednesday am & Sundays New members welcome Article chesterstandard.co.uk/news |
Through the week |
St Lukes Church 19 Market Street, Hoylake, CH47 2BF.
Various times |
The Life Tree- Community Hub - Various groups & activities including Free for All Food, School uniform, advice, support & a friendly welcome. Donation Grocery Shop. Knit & Natter, Courses, Keep fit & more! Everyone Welcome! Come along & meet Helen & the team See other groups & dates at : stlukeshoylake.churchsuite.com
Thursday |
St John's Church Centre, School Lane, Meols CH47 6AU
7.30pm |
Hoylake & District Gardening Society Visitors are very welcome at £3 per meeting, which includes tea/coffee & biscuits, with the opportunity to chat to members and the speaker. We're a very friendly club, with members ranging from experienced gardeners to complete novices. Any queries, please contact Rachel Summers at rachelsummers100@gmail.com |
Thursday |
The Parade Hoylake Community Centre 31 Hoyle Road, Hoylake CH47 3AG
7pm-8.30pm |
Mindful Art Group 'Art for the Soul' - Mindful Art session. A way to relax and be creative. You will be taught simple arty techniques that will aid your well-being. Suggested donation: £3 Each week we will complete a different project: Learning to draw different patterns as well as other mindful art techniques. All are welcome and all equipment is provided for you. Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/ArtfortheSoulHoylake |
Thursday (School term time) |
St Catherines, Meols Our Lady of Pity school Annexe 7pm-8.30pm |
Singing Bluebirds Choir
New Members are welcome to join us at rehearsals on Thursday |
2nd Thursday of the month |
St John the Baptist Church Birkenhead Road Meols, CH47 6AF doors open 7:00pm meetings start 7:30pm |
Wirral Quilters
Friday |
St Hildeburgh's Parish Church Hoylake 10amto2pm
Community Cafe Community Cafe - St Hildeburgh's Church - Hoylake | Wirral InfoBank
Friday |
St John the Baptist Church, Birkenhead Road, Meols, CH47 6AU
6.15pm -7.30pm
Community Choir New choir members welcome
No need to book, please come along. Contact detailsPhone: 0151 632 1661
Oct 24 |
Period |
Venue & Time |
Event & Contact Details |
12 |
Hoylake Parade Community Centre Hoyle Road, Hoylake 10.30am-3.30pm.
PeninsulaArts & Crafts Association Craft Fair Local Crafters will beattending with their handmade items. Free Parking. Café. |
12 |
Hoylake Rugby Club
Carham Road Hoylake CH47 4FF
7pm-12 pm
Hoylake Beach Community
Hawaiian Style, Hoylake Beach Party Live music Brian Murphy and Friends Raffle Disco by DJ JAX
All profits will go towards the legal fight to recognise Hoylake shore as a virtual village green |
27 |
Hoylake Parade Community Centre Hoyle Road, Hoylake doorsopen at6:30pm screening begins at 7:30pm |
Hoylake Film Clubshowing: A Private Function. A British comedy with a stellar cast including Dame Maggie Smith. Tickets£5 on the door f: facebook.com
28 |
St Hildeburgh's Parish Church Hoylake 7.30pm
Hoylake Chamber Concert SocietypresentsTrio ChagallFelix Mendelssohn: Piano Trio No 1 in D minor, Op 49 Schumann: Phantasiestücke, Op 88 Wolfgang Rihm: Fremde Szene III Schumann: Piano Trio No 1 in D minor, Op 63 Details at: chamberconcert.co.uk
[Page last updated/checked 09/10/24